The Waziifa lithany

The Waziifa must be performed in congregation whenever it is possible, arranging the rows properly, reciting loud. The Waziifa lithany is to be performed once or twice a day, depending on the model adopted by your spiritual guide (Wasila). 
If the Waziifa is accomplished twice a day, the time to perform it is the same than the Lazim. 
If the Wadhifa is performed only once a day, its time begins from the ‘Asr Prayer to the ‘Asr Prayer of the next day and the period of necessity, in case of valid excuse, extends to the Maghreb Prayer of this next day.

Women can attend the Wazeefa: 
– They should not occupy the same room as men. But if there is only one room for the group, they sit at the back in a discrete section.
– Women must not recite aloud (as for the five daily Prayers)

How to perform the Wazeefa lithany:

Say the intention to recite morning or evening wazeefa, or the intention to pay back the after hour recitation then:
– “A’ouzu billaahi mina chaytani rajiim”
– Surah El Fatiha + “Ameen”: 1 time

1– “Astaghfirullah Al ‘Azhim aladhi la ilaha illa Houwa-l-Hayyou-l-Qayyoum”30 times
2– Salatul Fatihi:50 times 
– “Subhana rabbika rabbil ‘izzati ‘amma yasifuna wa salamun ‘ala-l-mursalina wa-l-hamdu lillahi rabbi-l-‘alameen” (Surah Saffat 37, verses 180-181-182).
3– “La Ilaaha illa laah”: 100 times
Seyyidunaa Muhammadu Rasoulullah. ‘alayhi Salaamullaah” 1time
4– Djawharatul Kamal : 12 times 

 “Inna laaha wa malaa ikatahou yusallouna ‘ala nabiy, yaa ayyuha laziina aamanou sallou ‘alayhi wa sallimou tasliiman, Salla laahu Ta’ala ‘alayhi wa ‘alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallama tasliman, Sub-haana rabbika rabbil ‘izzati ‘amma yasifouna wa salaamun ‘alal mursaliina wal hamdu lillaahi rabbil ‘aalameena (Surah Saffat 37, verses 180-181-182).
Duaa (prayer):